I've been feeling lately that I have a very serious problem. I have no passion for my work. That's not exactly unusual. It's work, not a hobby and not something I do in my spare time. But without a passion for it, it becomes work.
This realization came from the fact that some days I get excited about a project and will work past five without even realizing I have. Other days it seems like I'm just trying to draw out the tiny bit of progress I've made over the course of eight hours so that whenever my boss asks I can say "Yup, I got such and such done."
Bad! Bad bad bad! So I've been trying to make more of an effort to have passion for my work. Even though I'll never really use the tools I'm building, I need to be excited about them. I need to look at them less as "This is what it has to do" and more as "If it did this and this and this, people would love it."
So far, it's been a little better. However, as with any change of mindset, it's taking time to adjust to a new way of thinking...
Yay work!
Just Use a (Managed) VPS
11 months ago